Thursday, November 19, 2009

Trying to find the bright side...

I'm going through all the positive things that can come out of all the shit that has happened to me recently....maybe if I get it all out, I'll feel better. So here goes:
1. With all the suppressed feelings, I'm to angry or plain emotional to eat too much.
2. I can blame my lack of appetite on the iron-pills I'm now taking for anaemia.
3. If I manage to throw up and someone catches me I can blame it on said pills.
4. If my best friends do get together, maybe they won't notice that something is wrong so much.
On the other hand...this could backfire...they'll notice even more and act like my parents even more if they combine my disturbing behaviors that they have seen individually together...but that's assuming I'm actually important enough to even be mentioned by them...
5. I can fit into things I couldn't before (not without severe discomfort and looking like a completely beached whale anyways) and some of my stuff that fit before is now loose...
Slight con, I don't know my weight because I don't have access to a scale here and if i asked for one, I'm pretty sure I would be getting force-fed three meals (or more...ughhhh) a day...
That's it for now...I have to get studying for a massive Biology exam I have in the morning...

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